Consciousness appearing as a person


The words really say it all.   We have a two-fold nature.

As consciousness, we are a drop of consciousness in the ocean of God.

Consciousness, Life, Being by itself, by themselves, are infinite and impersonal.

As person, our individual conditioning, ripening, karma is interwoven with the family, collective, human matrix. As we ripen, transform our individual center of experience, we are also transforming with and for all. 

Organism without that ray of intelligence is not self-aware.

Consciousness appearing as the person seeks itself. This is its quest. But when it learns and comprehends that it is itself the object of that quest, the person stops not only seeking outside himself but even engaging in the quest itself. Henceforth he lets himself be moved by the Overself’s flow. 23.1.3

This means right now.  Every moment of our life.  Can we take in that we are Conscious Living Being… and all the depths that implies.  can we be here as like enjoyer, not as this local, finite, limited person trying to get something? And a local person… with an organism, personality. 

It is therefore consciousness appearing as a burning focus of experience that is our nature. 

It is more than the person, and includes the person. 

It is an expression of a unique Idea in the Mind of God… a drop of conscious living being in an Ocean of God Consciousness.  Right Now!

It is the Nature of primordial Sun to ray out, of the ocean of consciousness to Wave, of the Infinite to uniquify itself. 

“You are that awareness appearing as a person.”  … not a local limited finite person seeking to become divine. 

So as PB writes, the whole journey is not an evolving one, but an unfolding one.

It is: “you become wisdom.” 

It is a “hide and seek” play of God. 

It is the individual as a Sacred Agent. 

Consciousness appearing as a person is love, joy, peace, wonder, awe. What would be our proper attitude toward life and universe if we take this in?  Gratitude, praise, Joy.

And so here we are. That’s what the ego is right here and now.

what is the ego, but the Overself surrounded with barriers, conditioned by its instruments, the body, the feelings and the intellect and forgetful of its own nature.  8.1.6

The ego self is the creature born out of man’s own doing and thinking, slowly changing and growing. The Overself is the image of God, perfect, finished, and changeless. What he has to do, if he is to fulfil himself, is to let the one shine through the other. 8.1.7