We have talked and read about “do your part.” This can range from your small willing-ness to the willed meditation to STOP and remember, to creating a mental atmosphere that invites a response, opening a space for grace.  Then: the rest is done for you. 

The paradox or Uroboros: even the fact you are doing your part is also a “response.”  

And even the fact you are on the “short path” involves your effort. 

When bell rings you remember to stop, to let go, to allow … to Stop is the hard part…  the old mental habits are so strong.

Carol comments: you can’t force yourself to come into awareness…  you can only allow it.

Yes, two reasons… you already are that, can’t do anything … and don’t overdo… doesn’t mean nothing to do… allow… open hands…. Let go… you can do that… you can’t make yourself be That, but you create a space for grace… 

Indigenous Grandmother: Walk your talk..

That is what Philosophy…  is applied…. Living…  lived… not only words…     As we apply the teachings, the more we become them, we marinate in their energy, not only theoretical. 

The balance of willing and allowing is like riding the bicycle: when you are going too far left or right has to be felt: intuitively feeling when to give all effort, and when to be at ease, is a deep learning only each can learn.