Some thoughts on WG and letter to HHDL:

1.  There are several  dimensions of Wisdoms Goldenrod

There is this physical place, and its energy. [the fabulous land, and the years of meditation… people can feel it.] What’s the best way to use the physical place with its energy? There is powerful energy here, but what to do with it, who to pass it on to.  how to use it now. How to bring our intention to it.

There are the philosophic studies… live or on web. How does the use of and need for the physical place change now that there is cyber space? … where everybody is on Zoom now, we’re having classes and weekend Zoom seminars meeting ups with people.  And what we’re doing–what’s helpful to other people?


2. On Writing to HHDL

HHDL agreed to be our spiritual advisor.  The letter on the alter: Anthony trusted him with guidance. When we were in Buffalo in 2006 with him last time, I asked HH something like: “we know you are busy, the head of Tibet, and you have done so much for us, and we understand if you leave us on our own now.”  He replied immediately, kindly (, something like:) “no, I made a commitment to Anthony before he died and I honor that.”

Consider that the fact we are energizing this way, may already be bringing a response…  and… maybe he was already thinking of us, and that is why we are thinking of him.

In all, it seems appropriate for the board to write a short and direct report to HHDL in the spirit of telling him: what we are doing and where we are at. 

Meanwhile, continue to allow and encourage individuals to step up and facilitate gatherings or meditations or classes or seminars; and to suggest uses for the physical place when that opens up as possibility, such as having visiting teachers, discussions or retreats.

But, if we ask for advice, we ought to be ready to listen.  And that means we should have people who are saying yes, whatever he says we’re going to really listen.  then we’d have to be ready to do what he says, Are we?  I just want to ask that question. And to know that it’s the whole group decision and will. Remember he had suggestions in the past: we didn’t follow through.–  JL letter and 2006 the draft of the journal.

Do we want specific questions for Dalai Lama, even suggestions for him to consider. Not to just say, Hey, what should we do? I think it is too general to just ask him “what do we do?” 

We could say: here is what we wholeheartedly, committedly, sincerely INTEND to do.  Just letting you know, and ask what do you think about it!

This is an opportunity for us to step up to the plate. Anthony trained folks to use their philosophy. And not even what would Anthony do? Not even what does the Dalai Lama want us to do.  And not just what do we want to do—What is our commitment? What is the Vision, where is the devotion, Will someone step up and take responsibility for the doing?

responsibility and authority come together: and devotion/sincerity/wholeheartedness. And the third word which we mentioned is Wisdom. a certain degree of awakening maturity presence wisdom.


3. This is an opportunity to reflect on what we are doing with the place and on the web… to live out our soul purpose.  the evolution of human consciousness, and where we’re at with everything.

First: Yay!  It has been great.  A group of 50-60 people gathered for 12 years. They helped Anthony to unfold his vision.  And later to organize and publish the vast vision of PB notes. They were trained beforehand for 10 years, so they can handle that. Meanwhile, they studied, learned, some lived, spiritual philosophy. That might have been wisdoms goldenrod’s soul purpose.. I just want to say if that was all we did —  it was worth it for that.

Second is that this place is and was a “teacher training” place. Wake up and grow up people to philosophy. And that’s what it was for the people that were here. We didn’t know it. Many now are, and probably we’re all going to have to go out and express this stuff someday.

Third question to ask ourselves: what now is the soul purpose of WG.  Do you think the center Anthony WG has this responsibility thing? Do you think that’s something that the Center is here to help people come into?

It may be, but I would focus more local–what are we going to do with the place –there’s such great energy here. How can we look for or find ways that it will be used, so people can get something out of it? Yeah, bring people here.

I also like the idea that we think about what we could do for His Holiness.

PS: Here are two little essays on serving:

On Serving: From Jose Trigueirinho and Nisargadatta Maharaj


4. Individuals and Group

So it comes down to this: it is as much up to the individuals here as to the group to initiate what we will do with the place and how we will do it. There are many possibilities, but they require someone with devotion authority and wisdom to take responsibility.

In the past 30 or 40 years we have done many wonderful things. So in some way that is doing quite well.

They were usually initiated by someone who took responsibility. We did summer studies which evolved into online weekend gatherings and reaching more people than we ever did before. There are several online classes. Many people from all over joining in. There are several classes given by the people in Ohio and again reaching more people than just Ohio. There are also people in Sweden Florida California and other places. We have put out collections of PB notes. There are plans for collections of essays or transcripts from Anthony. There is a draft of a website to get people interested in Anthony and his vision, and the archives are in the works.


5.  HHDL on WG and Value of Teachings 1978  1 min audio/text


6. Finally, two PB quotes you may know.

A school should exist not only to teach but also to investigate, not to formulate prematurely a finalized system but to remain creative, to go on testing theories by applying them and validating ideas by experience.   1.4,111

…Moreover one may take refuge in the words of Tripura, an archaic Sanskrit text, which, if its archaic idiom be translated into modern accents, says: “An intense student may be endowed with the slenderest of good qualities, but if he can readily understand the truth–however theoretically–and expound it to others, this act of exposition will help him to become himself imbued with these ideas and his own mind will soak in their truth. This in the end will lead him to actualize the Divinity within himself.” 20.4.292