- “To find your life, you must lose your life.”
- Shift Identity: Be that rather than this…
- “Be in the world but not of it. [Doing Non-Doing]
Thy Will Be Done… prayer’s finest fruition
The declaration of Jesus that whosoever will save his life shall lose it, is uncompromising. It is an eternal truth as well as a universal one. It is needed by the naive as well as by the sophisticated. … 8.4.230
In first, the discovery of the Overself, and second, the surrender to it, we fulfil the highest purpose of his life on this earth. 1.1.83
The real Short Path is really the discovery that there is no path at all: only a being still and thus letting the Overself do the work needed. This is the meaning of grace. 23.5.223
We who honour philosophy so highly cannot afford to be other than honest with ourselves. We have to acknowledge that the end of all our striving is surrender. No human being can do other than this–an utterly humble prostration, where we dissolve, lose the ego, lose ourselves–the rest is paradox and mystery. 20.5.11
Where the heart goes, there soon or late the other faculties will follow. This is why it is so important to let the Overself take possession of the heart by its total surrender in, and to, the Stillness. 24.4.90
…There is no more effective or faster way to attain the goal than to ferret out its very source, offer the ego to that Source, and finally by the path of affirmations and recollections unite oneself with it. 8.5.393
Eckhart Tolle: surrender acceptance: non-resistance
Surrender, one could say, is the inner transition from resistance to acceptance, from “no” to “yes.”
When you surrender, your sense of self shifts from being identified with a reaction or mental judgment to being the space around the reaction or judgment. It is a shift from identification with form—the thought or the emotion—to being and recognizing yourself as that which has no form—spacious awareness. P.73
When you say “yes” to what is, you become aligned with the power and intelligence of Life itself. Only then can you become an agent for positive change in the world. P.43
When you say “yes” to the “isness” of life, when you accept this moment as it is, you can feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful. P.67
Surrender is to relinquish inner resistance to what is.” p. 119 You accept the “isness” of this moment.” p. 121
Wu Wei has a double meaning: first, letting Life, Mind, act through you by yourself, becoming still, thought-free, and empty of ego–you are then not doing anything, but being done to, being used; second, pursuing truth impersonally. The usual ways seek personal attainment, achievement, salvation. The aspirant thinks or speaks of “my mind” or “my purification” or “my progress”; hence such ways are self-enclosed, egoistic. Whatever repression of ego that there is occurs only on the surface and merely drives it down to hide in the subconscious, whence it will re-emerge later. These methods are Long Path ones, hence are destined to end in futility and despair. The deeper way of Wu Wei is to lose the ego by doing nothing to seek truth or to improve oneself; adopting no practice; following no path. The Short Path turns realization over to Overself so that it is not your concern any longer. This does not mean that you do not care whether you find truth or not, but that whereas ordinary care for it arises out of desire of the ego or anxiety of the ego or egoistic need of comfort, escape, or relief, Short Path care arises out of the stillness of mind, the serenity of faith, and the acceptance of the universe. 23.5.228
Tao Te Ching: [translated Stephen Mitchell]
Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity. (9)
Since before time and space were,
The Tao is. It is beyond is and is not.
How do I know this is true?
I look inside myself and see. (21)