Interface 5: Reveal and Conceal

So here’s another turning. When you look at the gold, one way you just see the gold and you don’t see any universe at all. If you focus on the gold. No universe. Mysticism. Not in the world and not of the world. God in, ego out. Ego in, God out.  But if you focus on the world alone, the. Lion. Then you’re just in the world and of it.

No world in no nothingness. But if you let one shine through the other, then you get the next interesting turning, this is about number 4 of the ways that Fatsang tries to explain. The world and the gold. And that is. The lion reveals the gold and conceals it. And the gold reveals the lion and conceals it. If we’re focused totally on the world, the world appearing seems to conceal God or Brahman or Shunya.

But if we shift how we look, if we look differently, every particle, every moment reveals the gold. Right. It’s all gold.  in PB’s language, it’s all mind. We’re all consciousness. In Buddhist language, Shunya. If we learn to look differently, if we step back, if we turn 180 degrees and don’t focus on contents…  or another way, “don’t let the contents usurp your attention.”  

Don’t let the contents of experience usurp all of your attention. Learn to look differently so that the world reveals the real and not conceals it.

The world is a suit of clothes that Brahman wears. Somebody said, I think it was Adyashanti. “the world is Brahman in drag.”

The Union of Shiva and Shakti: “Amritanubhava”, or “Ambrosial Experience”, by Jnaneshwar

 I paid my homage to the God and Goddess who are the limitless primal
parents of the universe.

The Lover Himself, out of overflowing love, becomes the
Beloved, who is made up of the same nature.

They are neither completely identical nor completely different. We do not know
their real nature.

Out of deep love they swallow each other, and again overflow each other because they long to be two.

 How strong is their desire to enjoy themselves! They become one through it and
never allow their unity to be disturbed.

They are so afraid of their separation that, although they have given birth to
the child in the form of the universe, their duality is not disturbed.

It is through God that the other is Goddess, and without her the Lord is
nowhere. As a matter of fact their existence is due to each other.

Oh! How sweet is their union! The great world is too small for them to live in,
while they live happily even in the smallest particle.

Both of them are objects to each other. Both are subjects to each other. Both
are happy in each other’s company.

Shiva, the essence of void became Experiencer through Her, while the Shakti got Her particular existence through Shiva
Shiva himself formed his Beloved without whom Shiva loses His own personality.

Her form is the cause of God’s glory manifested in the world-process
But Her power itself is of Shiva out of Himself.

Blushing at Her formless husband and Her own graceful form, She adorned him with the ornament of the names and forms of the universe.

She is His form while her beauty is due to him who is Her lover. They are
enjoying the feast by intermingling with each other.

You are not just Irene or Colleen or Cleta seeking reality.  You are that gold appearing as Irene Colleen…   If you’re just Irène, if I’m just Avery, the form of the Lion without that Good, which is making its appearance in through as me, then I’ve lost my being, then I’m an embodied loss of being.  I’m not present. I lost the most precious part of my whole existence. Can’t really lose it–but I’m not aware of it. I’m focused totally on the thoughts, the suit of clothes, that lion form, everything that’s appearing. Oh, it’s fascinating.

But the suit of clothes, the appearance can become transparent so that every thought, every person. Every animal, every moment reveals the gold, points to the gold, is an occasion of the gold, is an expression of the gold. How do I do it? I just turn away from form and allow the Good… to be recognized.

I don’t have to go to a better lion.  There’s no fabulist lion down the road. Ten billion, billion, billion, billion, billion universe light years away that’s better than the lion I’m in right now for recognizing good. If it isn’t here, it never will be. And it’s already here, don’t worry about going down the road…  Yeah. Great. You can enjoy the ride. Plenty of beautiful lion forms, plenty of things on your journey. But don’t miss the gold. It’s right here. Fatsang is telling Empress… that’s what he’s telling her. The message:  go for the gold.  By the way, if you take away L and change it to. Then …, it’s the Good. And if you take away the L altogether, it’s God.

But the question is, what is the good for you? What? Don’t miss it. What’s the good?

What is that? Good for you. The Good is what is always and already here.  It is omnipresent. And can you see that it’s here now? Any form is enough to reveal it. The good. Is never a zero. It’s never not here. That’s one of the main messages in a simple form that the whole golden lion: never not here. Plotinus says it more complicatedly, if you like. He says just because the one is nowhere, nowhere is it not.  just because it is formless, It’s omnipresent… capable of being immediate with every form.

.  As Plotinus says:  The One is always present with us, but we don’t look that way.  If it were not present for an instant, we would not be at all… And he says, why don’t we notice that it’s closer than close? And then he tells us: because We don’t look that way. We don’t turn around and look that way, we’re looking at the things we’re fascinated. It’s great.  the world has taken our attention. We missed the heart.

NEXT: Interface 6:: Lion is measuring out of the Gold