Mary Jo: Why does the ray of Conscious Intelligence come here?

I love this higher world, but when we leave our meditation, we’re still trapped in these bodies. We are in this very complicated world, never get rid of.

I can’t help but wonder that there’s a reason we’re here. Why in this body, why in this world. If we have to kind of forget it all and put ourselves somewhere else, that’s so divorced from it, why are we here then?


 NOTE: The Notebooks of Paul Brunton answers many of our questions: These are excellent… click to go there


26.4.257: “What is the use…”




It’s the nature of the drop or ray of intelligence to do that. What we are, this drop of the infinite ocean. It’s a unique, a fine of God, we are God unique, defying itself. God isn’t just infinite, absolute consciousness, God is also unique, you need king. Call it a verb. Right, we are the unique king of God. We are the rays of the divine sun raining out because that’s the nature of God to lay out.

And that’s what soul is, it’s OVERSELFING   , it is the individualizing ness of God. Beautiful. And why does it have to do that, it’s to infinite, that drop in the INFINITE. It’s so infinite it can’t even recognize its own identity as a unique name. So God has these infinite names, but they can’t appreciate themselves back in the infinite to infinite. So they come here, they come into space, they create universes, they experience themselves in space, time and causality in order to identify uniquely, know themselves as individual, unique.

And so the first thing they have to do when they come out of the void is identify with Avery or Mary Jo, we say, oh, that’s a mistake, that’s a mistake.

All the traditions you’ve misidentified with a person.

that primal act of identifying with Avery is how my soul’s going to learn identity, which it couldn’t learn as a drop back in the infinite ocean.

Jeanette : I’m thinking that. Ultimately we are free, but the human being, we all are making us un free because we have the culture we have. I’ve always thought the collective mind and all the I mean all the things that we are making, all the rules and so sort of our society are not free, I guess.

Yes.  The person we are, that form, that Consciousness appears as, and now says I Am Jeanett,  is part of a family, country, culture, humanity.  The individual karma, residue, form, conditioning… as well as the evolving distilled great qualities (like science) are interwoven with the collective humanity. That means that we are on a journey together, and we also co-vibrate with earth, and humanity, and the matrix of inter-being.  We share in it, and we contribute to it by all our thoughts, feelings, actions. As person, our individual conditioning, ripening, karma is interwoven with the family, collective, human matrix. As we ripen, transform our individual center of experience, we are also transforming with and for all.

Freedom means Consciousness… presence… Otherwise, for a while, we are unconscious, which means thought, feeling, activity are conditioned.  But the ray of conscious intelligence that came here as Jeanette is awakening, turning back to its source, in a way more full than it was in the infinite, or at least more unique and actualized.  And it will come to self-recognition. And strangely enough, even the difficulties will help unfold it: just like the resistance in a light bulb help unfold the light inherent in electricity.  Or like HHDL: the Chines are my greatest teachers.  Or Hafiz: the sign on the universe says: “have fun”.  When you know you are a drop of the dreamer mind, not the dream person, it all is seen differently.  Remember our little fortune slip: when you remove the filters of your mind, then it all looks and feels different.  The base filter is the identification with the dream person… as well as grasping and resisting.

As PB points out in the great quote about “what is the use” in 26.4.257, and 26.4.256, in the next round, when we have matured to human being, in that natural state of fully conscious being, you would not be out of alignment. With the flow of the divine mind, you will be in alignment with that divine consciousness as in previous journeys we were out of alignment.  Now is the Tao.  In the more beautiful world with Conscious human beings,  the rules would be different, not needed. But we are ripening. Don’t blame the world for reflecting the unripe state of humanity.

And so soul qualities like compassion and wisdom, fabulous creative qualities, it takes a while until those can unfold. And until they fully unfold, there’s going to be a lot of undigested residue: experience that needs composting. As Tolle says, the emotional residue of undigested experience, pain body. It’s going to be conditioning


 A reminder on some longer great readings on these topics

* PB: fromThe Wisdom of the Overself chapter on

    “The Immortal Overself”

     “The Secret of the I”…


     * Anthony Damiani on the Unit of Life: You Become Wisdom
