A story.   this man was in his home next to the river and a flood was occurring and a friend said to him, you have to get out. And he said, no, I’m waiting for God. So the waters rose, and a boat came by with people in it, who said, jump in we can save you.  He said, no, no, no, I’m waiting for God. Water rose to top. Another boat.. No, no, no. Waters keep rising.  I’m waiting for God. But from his point of view of his ego, that was sending the boats   And of course, you can guess what happened.

 he drowned and went to heaven and he said, “God, I believe in you all my life. Why didn’t you help me?” He said, Fool, I sent you three rowboats…

A: this is beautiful. The light is here, what you’re looking for, it’s already here. Isn’t it always and only always already if it isn’t here and you have to get it. It depends on you doing something. Anyway, it’s a it’s a great thing to remember the guest house every moment is an opportunity. If what I’m interested in is waking up to myself, being present, I’m interested in the stuff.

But keep in the background. God  has sent you to row boat. I’m drowning. God help me. I sent you the rowboat.

we ask for help and it doesn’t come in the form we’re looking for. We’re asking for love but we want it to come in the form that we’ve already determined. Meanwhile, love is pouring at us, but we don’t recognize it.

Because it doesn’t look like our idea of love doesn’t look like our idea of God’s grace rowboat, so we ignore it– it’s our filter that’s wrong. We need to see differently. Remember that one?

Every person you encounter is God in disguise, God is hiding there when you to hide and seek. Right, right. God is hiding in each person when you remove the filters of your mind. God is there in front of you.