Marie:  Hide and Seek

if I can share yesterday I play our favorite game with my grandson because we are visiting our grandson.And so we play I play with my g andson a game, this very favorite game, ours. It’s the hide and seek. And we were playing I explained and I kept saying, well, it’s it’s like you’re playing, you know, the God is always hiding on us and we are seeking him. And he kept saying, no, no, it’s not true. And I said, yes, you have to first find God, then he’ll grow up in your heart. And once you find it in your heart, then you go see it everywhere.

A: Yes. Have fun.. Have fun in God’s playground every moment.

And that’s back to “ no waiting” . Can we see this moment as part of the play of consciousness. It’s the play of gods youth that quote the universal consciousness, it’s all a play of consciousness. The hide and seek game, the hiding, the seeking, everything, every part of it is the play of consciousness.

It’s a wonderful play. It’s a mysterious play. That’s why Omkara sings: Life is Beautiful. It’s horrible. It’s wonderful. And it’s made up a dream– a dream made of gods vibrating love. God has a dream. And you’re in. You’re part of it.

This is a beautiful way to look at it, if we could really get that, it would loosen up a lot of the stuff. That’s beautiful.


Here are two PB quotes that seem to give two different views on it …

Students who have come finally to philosophy from the Indian Advaita Vedanta, bring with them the belief that the divine soul having somehow lost its consciousness is now seeking to become self-conscious again. They suppose that the ego originates and ends on the same level–divinity–and therefore the question is often asked why it should go forth on such a long and unnecessary journey. This question is a misconceived one. It is not the ego itself which ever was consciously divine, but its source, the Overself. The ego’s divine character lies in its essential but hidden being, but it has never known that. The purpose of gathering experience (the evolutionary process) is precisely to bring it to such awareness. The ego comes to slow birth in finite consciousness out of utter unconsciousness and, later, to recognition and union with its infinite source. That source, whence it has emanated, remains untouched, unaffected, ever knowing and serenely witnessing. The purpose in this evolution is the ego’s own advancement. When the Quest is reached, the Overself reveals its presence fitfully and brokenly at first but later the hide-and-seek game ends in loving union.  26.4.256

It is not a game of hide-and-seek that God is playing with man, not a sport for God’s own amusement as some Hindu sects believe, but a process of evolvement intended to give man insight into the Real and power for co-operative participation. It is a treasure-hunt through many earthly lives. 26.4.262