Why not live your life as if what these great beings say is really so

It’s time also maybe for the as if. Enough waiting. it’s only your own ego belief system that keeps you from doing it now? Nothing else prevents God doesn’t say you’re not ready for being yourself, only your little ego mind the thoughts.

The habit says no, you’re not ready for acting as if this is really true. That’s all that’s preventing. Nobody else is telling you you can’t. What if you went through your day? Of course, the forgetfulness comes in. But what if what if it’s OK and you act as if radically you really are that. As if this is the playground of God is if we live in God’s mind. Where else could we be living? Believe it.

I’m just saying, what do we know better? We think we do know now. I have to get ready. I’m not ready yet. I will be ready. That’ll go on forever. That’ll go on forever, free enlightenment tomorrow. So there’s a paradox.

Yeah, totally believe. Great start. Yes. Yes. I’m going to live my life. I’m going to live today. Yes.

Say yes to whatever is– not going to fight it, resisted grab it. Just be. Radical.

What if?  As If.  Do we know better?  Live as if it is so.  And use what you know.

And Eckhart totally makes this point a lot. He’s very good at it. We’re waiting for, you know, free beer tomorrow, enlightenment tomorrow or when when the, you know, waiting for Godot. Waiting, waiting for, I’d rather say. Enjoy the journey now, use it as the opportunity, whatever’s come up. And then what what Cledus thing? Bring back the recognition as deeply as you can. And one of the quotes that I wanted to read is.



Why go on hoping for a far-off day when peace and truth will be attained? Why not drastically strip off all the illusions of self-identification with ego and recognize that the true identity is already fulfilled?  23.1.32

On this Short Path he searches into the meaning of Being, of being himself and of being-in-itself, until he finds its finality. Until this search is completed, he accepts the truth, passed down to him by the Enlightened Ones, that in his inmost essence he is Reality. This leads to the logical consequence that he should disregard personal feelings which continue from past tendencies, habits, attitudes, and think and act as if he were himself an enlightened one! For now he knows by evidence, study, and reflection that the Overself is behind, and is the very source of, his ego, just as he knows by the experience of feeling during his brief Glimpses. Bringing this strong conviction into thought and act and attitude is the “Heavenly Way” [or “As If”] exercise, a principal one on the Short Path. (23:6.109

He pretends to be what he aims to become: thinks, speaks, acts, behaves as a master of emotion, desire, ego because he would be one. But he should play this game for, and to, himself alone, not to enlarge himself in others’ eyes, lest he sow the seed of a great vanity.  23.6.109

This identification with the Overself is the real work set us, the real purpose for which human life in the world serves us.  All else is merely a comfortable way of escape, a means of keeping us busy so that conscience need not be troubled by the central duty to which we are summoned. 23.1.36

The changeover to the Short Path calls for a tremendous leap from his present standpoint–whatever that may happen to be–to the highest possible one.    23.1.41

… We have thought our way into this unsatisfactory state; we can unthink our way out of it.  We can shift our identification …  in our habitual thinking, in our daily reactions and attitudes, in our response to events and the world.  By incessantly remembering what we really are, here and now, at this very moment, we set ourselves free. Why wait for what already is? 23.1.1

The ego to which he is so attached turns out on enquiry to be none other than the presence of World-Mind within his own heart. If identification is then shifted by constant practice from one to the other, he has achieved the purpose of life.    (8:1.127)

Whatever name be given to this exercise, whether “As If” or another, its essence is to consider the goal as already reached, to convert the end of the quest into the beginning. Is this too audacious an assumption? This elicits counter-questions. Why remain within the circle of the probable as if the circle of the possible did not also exist? Where did the saying “Adventures are for the adventurous” come from if not from human experience?  23.6.120

The practice of extending love towards all living creatures brings on ecstatic states of cosmic joy. (P 319)    (23:6.60)

Some imaginative minds can make profitable use of the vastness of the ocean or the immensity of space as topics on which to meditate in the advanced stages. 4.4.51

During the gap–infinitesimal though it be–between two thoughts, the ego vanishes. Hence it may truly be said that with each thought it reincarnates anew. There is no real need to wait for the series of long-lived births to be passed through before liberation can be achieved. The series of momentary births also offers this opportunity, provided a man knows how to use it.  23.8.162]