Barbara: Would you say that preference is a very important thing to look at what your preference is? Because many people well, it seems to me in stories I’ve heard and things I’ve observed myself. Where we’re comfortable is our preference, but you have to get to a place where there is no preference.

it’s very profound, this whole thing. What usurps attention is the old attachments, the old residue, the old emotions, both resisting and grabbing. These are the things that is our job to work on. And there’s a famous Zen poem that says: The slightest preference and heaven and earth or separated. Slightest preference. But that’s a very deep place to get to where Mother Teresa is, I’m not even I’m not even preferring to help the poor.

Can we take everything that comes as a gift? You know, we’re back in our guest house, the famous guest house poem pf Rumi. Take everything that comes as a gift. It’s an opportunity. It’s it’s it’s the beautiful, beautiful giving. And that means to have some recognition that it isn’t just beautiful, horrible or wonderful. It’s a dream made of love, made of consciousness, made of divine.

Yes. That would be great, let go your preferences as the great beings now, always, they’re telling us. Allow everything to be as it is and goes, Avery, all those stills look back at your life, thousands and millions of stills, they’re all gone. Don’t put a marker on any one of them. It was the background that was the whole thing. You’re so focused on what’s happening or the future, the past, everything.

Let it be as it is. And you’ll find. The hide and seek game collapses because you’ll see that it’s here.

I’m doing the will of Christ is very advanced.  But it’s a beautiful thinking and that’s what he means. If you could give to God as much attention as you give your ego, your ego has preferences, it has resistances, it has grabbing and learning to discern when those are coming up, which is most of the time learning to discern that. Viveka discernment is needed… and Vairagya: stop watching the bad movie.

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