CINDY: Avery, don’t we participate in that unique vacation (my program translated uniquification!) by co-creating with God.

Yes.  We are the agents.  In fact, even I would say not only do we participate in it, we are that participation deeply.  The rheostat of God Electricity Intelligence is never-0.  Or we won’t be at all.  So PB writes: world may be like a dream, but Reality must be present… even in a nightmare.

Somewhere, I think Anthony puts it like. There is this. This center of burning the burning focus of experience, yes, the measuring device, the organism that’s that center of experience is itself arising out of the matrix of intelligence. And then it is what’s transforming every moment. Remember transformer and transformed. So maybe we start out as this dot. It’s thought in the mind of God. Which here in the system of the universe appears has a burning center of experience, and so we are that unique to find that’s that’s our journey is to become a fully conscious.

Sacred agent. In which we participate in that unfolding. Accessing and expressing of that beautiful. Infinite qualities of God and uniquely. And I really feel this–you look at Mother Teresa, you look at the Dalai Lama, you look at Shankaracharya, they’re more unique than the collective. So becoming more aware and more fully present and sacred doesn’t mean that to me so far, as far as I can see, doesn’t mean becoming less of an individual. [[AND THERE IS NO END]] [[NOW YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING]]

So, Cindy, in a strange way, that burning focus, that uniqueness is an expression of a divine uniqueness. I’m not sure how to say that. Plotinus says each divine idea is a unique form of the entire intelligence. Each unique divine name. The Sufis say you can only return to God by the name which God names you.

in the beginning was the word, that word coming out of the infinite void, whatever includes all the infinity of these. Words or names? Through which the infinite is going to manifest. That’s how important    

those individual centers could be you and me, could be a cell. Could be a plant. Could be an earth mind. The solar mind, a galactic mind universe. All the way up, individual centers of experience, so. Avery lives in the earth, mine in her mind and soul or soul, lives in the solar system, mine in the galactic mine in the universal mind.

This whole unit of life, the raying out from the overself, is what is called Unit of life that comes here in order to recognize itself uniquely. Soul, unit soul, unit of life, Jivatma, recognizing itself is also to allow God to recognize itself in through and as you just as the dream mind will recognize itself in through and as the dream person. So your freedom of will, your self recognition is also part of God. I use the word God or world mind’s recognition of itself as unique.

Anthony wanted the details of how it comes to Earth to birth.  Very complicated, but he has beautiful cosmic diagrams and cosmic epistemology.

And how in the world could timeless, formless, primordial awareness appear as a person anyway? How could that happen? And what would bring it here in the first place, so there’s some very deep teachings that suppose there’s some potentiality in the infinite for unique defying itself. There’s some potentiality, some deep, deep uniquenesses, divine names. Primordial ideas that are at the essence of avery-ness or Jan-ness. And it’s not just pure, formless awareness, there’s a potential for unique flying in as and through an individual center.