Why wait? — accept your divinity here and now?
This notion that we must wait and wait while we slowly progress out of enslavement into liberation, out of ignorance into knowledge, out of the present limitations into a future union with the Divine, is only true if we let it be so. But we need not. We have thought our way into this unsatisfactory state; we can unthink our way out of it. We can shift our identification from the ego to the Overself in our habitual thinking, in our daily reactions and attitudes, in our response to events and the world. By incessantly remembering what we really are, here and now, at this very moment, we set ourselves free. Why wait for what already is? 23.1.1
…We are as near to, or as much in, the real Self, the Overself, at every moment of every day as we ever shall be. All we need is awareness of it. 22.3.25
…The soul is most certainly there but if we do not turn inwards, and attend to it, then for us it is not there. But really it is always there and the failure to recognize its existence is really the failure to turn attention away from the endless multitude of things which continuously extrovert it. –PB; “The Adventure of Meditation”
Is this benign state a past from which we have lapsed or a future to which we are coming? The true answer is that it is neither. This state has always been existent within us, is so now, and always will be. It is forever with us simply because it is what we really are. 22.3.23
Consciousness appearing as the person seeks itself. This is its quest. But when it learns and comprehends that it is itself the object of that quest, the person stops not only seeking outside himself but even engaging in the quest itself. Henceforth he lets himself be moved by the Overself’s flow. 23.1.3
If the real Self must have been present and been witness to our peaceful enjoyment of deep slumber–otherwise we would not have known that we had had such enjoyment–so must it likewise have been present and been witness to our rambling imaginations in dream-filled sleep and to our physical activities in waking. This leads to a tremendous but inescapable conclusion. We are as near to, or as much in, the real Self, the Overself, at every moment of every day as we ever shall be. All we need is awareness of it. 22.3.25
Better than any long-drawn yoga discipline is the effort to rivet one’s hold on the here-and-now of one’s divinity. 23.6.175
It is in the fullness of the eternal present, the eternal now, that we can really live happily. For by seeking That which makes us conscious of the present moment, by remembering it as being the essence of our fleeting experience, we complete that experience and fulfill its lofty purpose. (Perspectives 19:30)
In this moment here and now, letting go of past and future, seeking the pure consciousness in itself, and not the identifications it gets mixed up with and eventually has to free itself from–in this moment he may affirm his true being and ascertain his true enlightenment without referring it to some future date. 24.3.256
It is the unique contribution of the Short Path that it takes advantage of the Overself’s ever-present offer of Grace. 23.1.13
Please examine where your attention is at this moment. You are listening, or reading these words in a book. That is the focus of your attention…
IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE, you can practice this by taking any routine activity that normally is only a means to an end and giving it your fullest attention, so that it becomes an end in itself. For example, every time you walk up and down the stairs in your house or place of work, pay close attention to every step, every movement, even your breathing. Be totally present.
There is a sense of the sacred presence within and without of which you are an inseparable part, and yet a presence which is vast.
The sense of the sacred presence frees you from the mind made sense of self. It shines through the life forms, but also found in the formless stillness. The acknowledgment of that, one could call gratitude. And gratitude is really in a deeper or wider sense: acknowledging the sacredness of the present moment . Not grateful to something or someone, it is a state of consciousness: appreciation of the beauty and sacredness of life… Eckhart Tolle
So intimate can’t see it: so step back and be it
So pervasive take for granted: so praise and thank you
So formless you can’t grasp it: so don’t figure it out: allow it to grasp YOU
Too Good to be True: So Acknowledge All Good