“How to come to Awareness of and oneness with Real Being…”
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“Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven: all else follows
When a person comes to his real senses, he will recognize that he has only one problem: “How can I come into awareness of, and oneness with, my true being?” For it is to lead him to this final question that other questions and problems have staged the road of his whole life. This answered, the way to answer all the other ones which beset him, be they physical or financial, intellectual or familiar, will open up. Hence Jesus’ statements: “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you,” … The Notebooks of Paul Brunton 1:1.130
“Be still and know that I am God” is the key to the enigma of truth, for it sums up the whole of the Short Path. Paradox is the final revelation. For this is “non-doing.” Rather is it a “letting-be,” a non-interference by your egoistic will, a silencing of all the mental agitation and effort. 23.5.202
Instead of reacting to content, The content is allowed to be and instead of being aware of, identified with what arises in the now, you become aware of the now itself, beyond the phenomena that arise in it: that is the miracle of transformation of consciousness. What does it mean, you become aware of the now itself? You become aware of an undercurrent of stillness in which everything happens: you sense it. Even that is not correct. You realize that you are it. Eckhart Tolle FOHC
Already and Always [click here for quotes]
Is this benign state a past from which we have lapsed or a future to which we are coming? The true answer is that it is neither. This state has always been existent within us, is so now, and always will be. It is forever with us simply because it is what we really are. 22.3.23
“What you are looking for is what is looking.” — St. Francis. Aware of Awareness noticing, recognizing
Remembrance: “Pray without ceasing –make your life a prayer
The loving, adoring recollection of the Overself, the constant return to memory of it amid the world’s distractions, the reiteration of this divine thought as a permanent background to all other thinking, is itself a yoga path. Indeed it is the same as that taught by Saint Paul when he wrote, “Pray without ceasing” and “Bring every thought into captivity to Jesus Christ.“ 23.6.237
Until it is brought to his attention he may not know that the idol at whose feet he is continually worshipping is the ego. If he could give to God the same amount of remembrance that he gives to his ego, he could quite soon attain, and become established in, that enlightenment to which other men devote lifetimes of arduous effort. 8.4.153
ACIM: Prayer is the song we are singing in communion with God:
“To practise the Short Path is to be aware of the miracle entailed in every moment of living.” 23:1.115
Aligning: in tune with the Infinite
Inviting; Invoking; evoking; intention without expectation. Communing with God.
Q: How do I get at it?
M: You need not get at it, for you are it. It will get at you, if you give it a chance. Let go your attachment to the unreal and the real will swiftly and smoothly step into its own. I Am That Ch 1
Call and response…Seed of God turns to God:
Prayer invites Grace: prayer is already grace: Prayer is ALREADY the response to God’s call:
completes a circle of energy:
The very fact that a person has consciously begun the quest is itself a manifestation of Grace, …. He is not really walking alone. The very love which has awakened within him for the Overself is a reflection of the love which is being shown towards him.
Thus the very search upon which he has embarked, the studies he is making, and the meditations he is practising are all inspired by the Overself from the beginning and sustained by it to the end. The Overself is already at work even before he begins to seek it. Indeed he has taken to the quest in unconscious obedience to the divine prompting. And that prompting is the first movement of Grace. —Essay: The Progressive Stages of the Quest
As –If: Shift Identity as often as possible
Think of yourself as the individual and you are sure to die; think of yourself as the universal and you enter deathlessness, for the universal is always and eternally there. We know no beginning and no ending to the cosmic process. Its being IS: we can say no more. Be that rather than this… – that which is as infinite and homeless as space, that which is timeless and unbroken. Take the whole of life as your own being… 21.5.95
Integrity with your True Nature:
- Recognize Consciousness: Being Aware of Awareness
- Aligning with the Divine: Appreciate Wholeness
- Embodied Being; expressing the Sacred in Form
The declaration of Jesus that whosoever will save his life shall lose it, is uncompromising. It is an eternal truth as well as a universal one. It is needed by the naive as well as by the sophisticated. … 8.4.230
Surrender is to relinquish inner resistance to what is.” Eckhart Tolle p. 119
You accept the “isness” of this moment.” Eckhart Tolle p. 121
Not Something Different Seen, but you SEE Differently
It is the ultimate you see, but imagine you see a cloud or a tree…. Learn to look without imagination, to listen without distortion: …. Stop attributing names and shapes to the essentially nameless and formless, realise that every mode of perception is subjective, that what is seen or heard, touched or smelt, felt or thought, expected or imagined, is in the mind and not in reality, and you will experience peace and freedom from fear. I Am That Ch44
THE ESSENCE: Let go thoughts… keep your sense of Being –
…Nevertheless he may enter into its knowledge, may enter into its Void, so soon as he can drop his thoughts, let go his sense-experience, but keep his sense of being. Then he may understand what Jesus meant when saying: “He that loseth his life shall find it.”… 28.2.100