dialogue transcript pieces SATURDAY Nov 6 2021
Words can be true or false, but they're not the truth (click for dialogue) Godâs Will and our Will (click for dialogue) Question on WILLâ¦. and Karma Sunya: and words…
Words can be true or false, but they're not the truth (click for dialogue) Godâs Will and our Will (click for dialogue) Question on WILLâ¦. and Karma Sunya: and words…
CONTINUITY and GAP Dear Friends of Philosophy An (unexpected) question from Marie during the talk: on the paradox of “Real is Continuous with its appearance” vs. Mind the Gap. Worthwhile…
MANDALA INTRO.pdfMANDALA circle sacred symbol -- shorter 38 slides presentedSYMBOL from the ppt.pdfEXCERPTS ON Symbol from PB Notebooks.pdfMANDALA THREE CONTEXTSAD EXCERPTS ON MANDALA Astronoesis Intro.pdfAD EXCERPTS ON SYMBOL and MANDALA…
Anna Brown : Stillness behind the mind 30 sec Alan Watts IMPLICIT/EXPLICIT audio fun 1 min Stillness Speaks You are that Awareness 30secStillness Speaks Silence is helpful but you don't need it…
AUDIO/TEXT EXCERPTS:Eckhart Tolle: Stillness Speaks audio/text 7 minutesEckhart Tolle: FOHC 1 minuteAlan Watts: audio/text on explicit and implicit 2 minutesAnthony: opens you audio/text 1 minuteAnthony: Consciousness deepens audio/text 3 minutesAdyashanti:…
astrology presentation oct 12 2020 revise 0108 2021Astrology Intro presentation oct 12 2020#1 MANDALA INTROAD: SOUL DOUBLE NATURE: AND UNIT OF LIFEDANCING WITH THE COSMOSAD: 360 and I thought
Consciousness: first and last frontierI Am That on Awareness and ConsciousnessMarinatingConsciousness DeepensWhy WaitUnit of LifeStates of consciousnessMeditations on Mind Where we Meet
Pointers from The Notebooks of Paul Brunton on phases of realization. And touching the question of the Void: We need to know the truth, the wisdom-knowledge, but it is not…