AD being that awarenessAD: Meditation Mentalism and GlimpseAD All that we knowAD which is more real Tolle Stillness Speaks includes loveTolle: Stillness Speaks a few moreTolle You Are It (FOHC)Tolle FOHC…
AD being that awarenessAD: Meditation Mentalism and GlimpseAD All that we knowAD which is more real Tolle Stillness Speaks includes loveTolle: Stillness Speaks a few moreTolle You Are It (FOHC)Tolle FOHC…
from The Wisdom of the Overself: ch VI: Secret of the I: Wonder of Awareness para 3 …The fact that he could examine his own thoughts showed that there was…
To answer Jim directly and simply (and there is much much more...) :He has extended his consciousness to the Overself, displaced the ego from its age-old tyranny, and become the…
[This topic too profound for a short post.]One model is Mother Theresa: “I am not feeding the poor. I am doing the will of Christ.” By the way, response-ability means…
Why not live your life as if what these great beings say is really soIt's time also maybe for the as if. Enough waiting. it's only your own ego belief…
Charlene: GOD SENT ROWBOATSA story. this man was in his home next to the river and a flood was occurring and a friend said to him, you have to get…
Marie: Hide and Seekif I can share yesterday I play our favorite game with my grandson because we are visiting our grandson.And so we play I play with my g…
Barbara: Would you say that preference is a very important thing to look at what your preference is? Because many people well, it seems to me in stories I've heard…
TRUSTThat's one of the very important qualifications for the short path. It's trusting that which brought you here more than you trust your ego that's trapped here or seems to…
What, if anything, might be the most important thing that we can do to contribute to our own ripening or the ripening of others, or is it a sheer gift?***Â Seems…