Some thoughts on WG and letter to HHDL:
1. There are several dimensions of Wisdoms Goldenrod There is this physical place, and its energy. [the fabulous land, and the years of meditation⦠people can feel it.] What's the…
1. There are several dimensions of Wisdoms Goldenrod There is this physical place, and its energy. [the fabulous land, and the years of meditation⦠people can feel it.] What's the…
On Youtube:Tolle one minute: the simple bare isness 8:38 to 9:52 only Quotes and more:Ramana and Beilhart: Will-Power and success or failure:Eckhart Tolle: Being and the Sacred…Emmanuel/Pat Radagast: Love Yourself:Rumi: a…
Comments on Essential and Divine Number notes after divine and essential  Eye Blank and Eye Filled with Vision: AD and Transcripts eye blank and filled NUMBER PPT; Plotinus; 1970 0620;…
1. There are several dimensions of Wisdoms Goldenrod There is this physical place, and its energy. [the fabulous land, and the years of meditation⦠people can feel it.] What's the…
[click to read]Effort and no effort 26 PB QuotesDoing non-doing Quotes from Nisargadatta, Tolle, Tao
[click to read]A few thoughts on the Bell ringingDo Your PartStanding… where are you standing?
On Faith and Action: audio/text from Anthony March 1984…[click to listen]Anthony Damiani: Awareness and Faith and Quote 2:33PB quote Remember God + Paul comment 30 secAnthony Damiani: what you have…
Standing…Indigenous Grandmother: Walk your talk..That is what Philosophy… is applied…. Living… lived… not only words… As we apply the teachings, the more we become them, we marinate in their energy,…
We have talked and read about “do your part.” This can range from your small willing-ness to the willed meditation to STOP and remember, to creating a mental atmosphere that…
DISCUSSIONS from the MEETUPShort AUDIO/TEXTS from Tolle, Adya, AnthonyQUOTES from Paul Brunton and others on Doing and Non-Doing