Interface 2: contexts for experience
. So here’s the next interface of the lion form and the
gold. The Lion is infinitely complex and the gold is completely simple. And you
have to imagine that at every single point of this infinitely complex lion,
gold is present… We have to talk about what is this a metaphor for?… present
as simply god, as intimately God, as completely entire God. At every moment of our entire universe, every
moment, every subatomic particle, every instant, every being, every experience
at the heart of it, at the core of it. What it’s made of is identical
everywhere. It’s all God. If I get the complexity, I see infinite complexity,
universe. If I look at the flip side of it, it is simply immaterial omnipresent
Good. There is appearance and there is this real Nature. And the appearance in Fatsang’s image is
infinitely complex. But the appearance is two-dimensional, surface, a suit of
clothes… for the Gold… which is simple, but truly infinite… newer powers of Ten : by htwins.
Now, we should take the metaphor in three different CONTEXTS.
Context One is our experience. He’s pointing
out something about our experience. And he wants us to get. He wants us to see
it differently than the normal way we see it. Material universe made up out of
matter. It’s out there. It’s separate. It exists. Whatever. And then some
mysterious something people tell us about God, Shinya. Brahman, sunya? Whatever
word you want to use. So where in our experience is there the infinite line
form feeling while that and where is the gold? What’s the gold for you?
Here’s my experience. Here’s my images. Here’s the lion,
here’s the gold. to begin with, two hands. In fact, to begin with, they’re out
of sync. And I end up right. I mean,
let’s we can do it personally. , which is one side of my hand
Second context, the universe.This is a
universal picture at the Golden Lion. The lion is the whole universe. Maybe all
universes. Maybe each one of those lion forms is a whole universe, which itself
is infinite and hologramically reproduces the entire lion. And then: What’s the
gold universe, cosmically? What is the gold standard? Is this the Good in
nature? Is it Shunya? What is it for you? What is world? What is the
We can do it cosmically, let’s say. Here’s the form of the
universe. We could zoom in to the atoms. We can zoom out to the whole cosmos.
But then they’re supposed to be blind or something. And I don’t know how they
get together. OK, so Fatsang is trying to say, nope. They really have to get aligned.
And when you actually align these, you’ll see one side Is form feeling
perception sensations. All of our contents of experience. And the other side,
you don’t have to go anywhere. You don’t have to get to a better life. They’re
all Lions anyway. I mean, you want to find the gold lining, the gold backing.
And then there’s a third context, which I
don’t know if we will touch on, its metaphysical. In the third context, it’s
expressed more or less by this Nisargadatta. They say to him, why do you negate
the universe? He says: I don’t negate the universe. I see it as the entirety of the knowable.
Within the vastness of the mystery, ineffable, untouchable. I’m standing at a
metaphysical view and I’m seeing the entirety of the knowable
If you’re a Buddhist, you’ve heard about appearance as form feeling perceptions and you heard about the real as Shunya. If you’re a Vedantist, you heard about the real as Brahmin and world as Maya. If you are a mentalist, you hear it about World-Mind, or Mind in itself, and World-Idea.
NEXT: Interface 3: Inside-out