We live in God’s Mind”  Notes from August 1

How would you live your life if you really took this in? 

Part of the answer showed up during the week in a “fortune” from ayurveda cafe:

    “Every person you meet is God in disguise.

    When you remove the filters of your mind,

    God is right there in front of you.                      

     [and your very seeing is God in you—]

What can we do?  We cannot cause Primordial awareness.  Only uncover it. Remove some of the disguise, make a space for grace, create atmosphere of mind that invites response, learn to listen for the response.  Anthony says [notice] the contents, but don’t let the contents “usurp our attention.” 

Why wait!?  “you too are that awareness disguised as a person.” The fact of conscious living experience may be full of thoughts, conditioning, resistance, holding, but still it is consciousness.  And consciousness is the presence in us of the light of Awareness.  It is like the moonlight, which is really in essence Sunlight.

Acceptance of what Is does not mean inaction.  It means seeing clearly so the inspired response can come through.  Not acting from reaction.  It is a response of the inspired being. This is wu-wei of Tao.  This world is an appearance—and the appearing Shankara takes out an appearing gun and stops the appearing killer. 

Forgiveness means be gentle, and allow the at-one-ment. You are the light of the world.

Omkara: Life is like a dream: a dream made of love  Each dream person, each moment, is in essence the dreaming Mind, the World-Mind, God’s Mind, appearing in/as/through the dream and dream person.  It is not that the person in the dream is aware of the tree.  I as a content is known or witnessed by Awareness. The dreamer Mind-Awareness is aware of the person and tree.  Same with this waking.  “I am the Awareness of I and the tree.” 

All the words about awareness are words, but can point.  It must be awareness itself that recognizes itself as this Awareness I Am.  It is not the local limited ego I that realizes this.  In fact, Awareness comes here in/as the local I Am Avery to experience itself as I Am and to come to intrinsic self-recognition. 

A profound view of “I” from The Notebooks of Paul Brunton:

Think! What does the “I” stand for? This single and simple letter is filled with unutterable mystery. For apart from the infinite void in which it is born and to which it must return, it has no meaning. The Eternal is its hidden core and content. 8.1.8

Sacred Agent bodhisattva warrior.  Once Awareness awakens to its nature here in as through individual, then it will become a sacred agent.  “In world not of it. “

Don’t wait! When you are present, when you make space or opening for the light, when you act from Love, it is for everyone.  We are inter-beings, and our vibration helps shift the whole field or “matrix”  so all beings can have less coverings and more access to awakeness.